I went on a losing streak the night I created the blog and decided the whole online poker idea was stupid and that was pretty much the end of that.
I found Facebook and Twitter a few years later, but I kept noticing that I have far more to say than will fit in 140 characters or a status update. Things I am certain that my
As the title of my blog suggests, I travel. A lot. I cook, I collect (and drink) wine, and I'm great at all of those things. I'm in an eight-year relationship with a man we'll call Z . I'm really good at that too. We have a law firm in a small town in Hawaii where we daily (ok, ok, at least four days a week) fight the good fight in criminal defense and family law. I'm awesome at my job but I want to do something else.
I'm a parent to four children, three of whom are adults in college, and one of whom is 10 years old. In this, I will always be a work in progress. We love the ocean and our little mauka farm and its creatures. I like to garden, but I generally suck at it. Luckily things just grow here, despite me, kind of like the children.
So here it is, my blog, where I plan to write about things I do, and things I want to do, things that interest me, and those that don't.
It may not be online poker, but I hope I'm entertaining enough for you. At least some of you. Ah hell, truthfully, I don't care what any of you think, this is all about me.
Thank God you've never really cared what anyone else thought. Its sort of what makes you...YOU.